Monster Hunter Stories gift code, hack, note. Create backup - use this option on the title menu to create a backup file based on the save data recorded when sleeping in bed. Be sure to save often in case you run into trouble later. Bed - take a nap in the bed to fully recover your party’s HP and hearts and save the game. Your house - contains several useful features, namely the bed and chest. You can find egg fragments scattered throughout the world or win them in Network battles. Egg fragments - select egg fragments to assemble eggs and hatch new monsters. Your new monstie may receive stat bonuses depending on where you tap it. Stables - egg carton: select hatch egg in the egg carton to view your eggs. Monster Hunter Stories cheats android, ios hack codes Completed quests from the board or armory and smithy can be accepted and completed again. Subquests can only be abandoned in towns (or use code). You can abandon a subquest you’ve accepted from the camp menu or the quest board. White bubbles mean you have fulfilled the subquest’s objectives and can turn it in. Characters with blue speech bubbles above their heads have a subquest to offer. Check subquests you’ve accepted from the camp menu. You can accept subquests from the quest board, the armory and smithy, hack cheats, or from characters directly. Completing subquests is a great way to earn item, exp, and zenny. Select subquests in the camp menu to view requests you’ve accepted. You can also get hints on what to do next. Progressing the story - select story quests in the camp menu to review what’s happened in your adventure so far. You can even adjust the camera while moving. Camera controls - swipe the right side of the screen to adjust the camera. To go back to dashing, tap the button again.

Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502ĭashing and walking - tap the button on the lower left to switch to walking mode.