
Data envelopment analysis using excel
Data envelopment analysis using excel

data envelopment analysis using excel

This linear-programming-based technique can be used to identify suggestions for improvement with the goal of achieving greater efficiency. With these aims in mind, Data Envelopment Analysis provides a convenient statistical technique that enables the analyst to measure the relative efficiencies of enterprises. Although recent studies have underscored the enormous potential of the Oltu stone industry, it is encumbent on the enterprises concerned to use their resources effectively and efficiently in order to reduce their costs, and they are also advised to improve service quality and thus satisfy customer needs more closely. Oltu stone is paramount to the international image of the city, and its contribution to the local and national economy is significant.

data envelopment analysis using excel

The city of Erzurum is emerging as one of the most popular jewelry centers in Turkey, principally due to its possession of mines for precious stones, and in particular for Oltu stone.

Data envelopment analysis using excel